Kristen Strezo – 41 years old, City Councilor-at-Large, Somerville
What has been the most challenging part of covid19?
Watching my children go through the grief of being unable to play with other children.
What gives you strength during this time?
Rolling up my sleeves to help as many people as I can in this time of great need. And, at the same time, watching my community tirelessly work to make sure that everyone’s needs are accounted for, from food access and necessary deliveries, to mask distribution to our vulnerable residents. There are so many people working their hardest to do the most good.
Who do you wear a mask for?
I wear a mask for my beloved community. I also want to bring attention to those who have accessibility requirements, like some in the deaf community.
Wearing a mask is essential to fighting the spread of COVID-19. But, for some it can be a communication barrier, like my grandmother who is 93 and lives with my children and I. My grandma is deaf and relies on reading lips. Her connection to the world around her is inhibited by masks. I hope we can create more mask accessible solutions for our deaf residents.