Emerge Alum and Framingham Mayor Yvonne Spicer declares racism a public health crisis, orders police to put use-of-force policies in writing

Mayor Yvonne Spicer and the city’s Board of Health declared racism a public health crisis on Tuesday amid nationwide protests calling for racial equity and police reform following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody. Spicer paired the declaration with an order requiring the Framingham Police Department to… Read More

Emerge MA Alum Boston City Councilor Andrea Campbell says Boston must do more on racial justice, response to COVID-19

Amid a global health crisis and local calls for racial justice, Boston City Councilor Andrea Campbell said Sunday in a televised interview that city leaders must do more to address systemic racism and invest more resources into Boston’s poorer neighborhoods. Campbell has criticized Mayor Martin J. Walsh for not doing… Read More

Emerge Alumnae on Boston City Council propose diverting nonviolent 911 calls away from police

A trio of Boston city councilors are proposing a crisis response system that would divert nonviolent 911 calls away from police. Councilors Michelle Wu, Lydia Edwards, and Julia Mejia said the ordinance, filed on Friday, would offer “an alternative response from non-law enforcement agencies.” According to the councilors, Boston police… Read More

Ballantyne reelected as president of Somerville Board of Aldermen as city focuses on 2019 goals

Three sharp gavel taps commenced the 2019 organizational meeting of Somerville’s Board of Alderman and School Committee. The house was packed, standing room only in the back, with residents, activists, and engaged citizens crowded the Aldermanic Chambers Monday, Jan. 7. “This is the last ever organizational meeting of the Somerville… Read More