A state representative for Brockton and Easton cast Massachusetts’ votes for president during the virtual roll call at the Democratic National Convention Tuesday night.
Rep. Claire Cronin, an Easton Democrat, was chosen to represent the state in nominating former Vice President Joe Biden for president, who officially secured the Democratic nomination over Sen. Bernie Sanders.
“We need a plan to get the economy going again,” Cronin said, standing outside the Massachusetts State House in Boston, with a Massachusetts DNC 2020 banner behind her. “Joe Biden will get the pandemic under control, create new jobs in manufacturing and clean energy, help small businesses and our restaurants recover and build back better so that our economy is stronger and fairer than it was before.”
Cronin played to Biden’s Build Back Better jobs and economic recovery plan for working families.
“Massachusetts casts 30 votes for Bernie Sanders and 83 votes for our next president, Joe Biden,” she said.
More than three decades after he first ran for president, Biden clinched the nomination following a virtual roll call featuring party luminaries from all 57 states and territories and lesser-known Democrats who described Biden as ready to lead the nation through the twin crises of a pandemic and economic uncertainty.
Cronin serves on Biden’s national finance team, joining his campaign in its exploratory stages in 2018.
Cronin, who represents parts of Brockton and Easton as the representative for the 11th Plymouth District, currently serves at the chairperson of the joint committee on the judiciary, the first woman to serve as the chair of the committee.
Biden is set to formally accept the nomination Thursday.